Thursday, November 21, 2013

What the Hell is going on?

     Well hello again old friend. I can't say I haven't missed you.  I guess I turn here when I'm feeling like my parenting skills are reaching their limits.  I feel stressed and pulled in every direction, and honestly it would be amazing to run away. Blogging seems to be my little escape.

     My oldest son B. is bi-polar, with ADD and anxiety.   It's a struggle to get through each day sometimes without having him get upset.   We try not to tiptoe, but it's hard when we have 3 other children in the home.  He is a kind hearted boy when he can be.  The past few weeks have been great.  He really has been a help around the house, and with the kids.  Last night he got J to eat all his chicken, by promising to play candy land.  And you know what he did! He followed through and also played checkers.  Like I said when he's good he is really good.

     Aaron has Asperger’s, and is good in school, but crashes as soon as her gets home.  Hyper, wrestling, yelling, easily upset.  But that’s another post.

     And Jack, he is our easiest. Unless you tell him no.   Then all hell breaks loose.  Again another time.

      My daughter N is the one who has been having a wicked hard time lately.   I think it’s safe to start off with the fact that she was adopted at 2 years old from foster care.  She knew too much about how to do things and seemed too grown up.  It’s terribly sad.  We don't know what happened exactly.  Which is also sad?  Well lately she has been stealing things from kids at school.  Just swiping their stuff right off their desks, of out of their lockers.  Also she has been talking to kids about kissing and sex.  bum bummmmmmmm    She thinks kissing is sex.  We don't know where she got the word.  She says from her other friend.  But seriously she is just 7.  That word should not be in the vocabulary.  So almost every day I get a phone call home about my not so princess.  I made her an appointment for a therapist.   I fear it could be a reactive attachment disorder.   It would make sense.  When she first came home to us she would, on the surface, love and attach to anyone.  You could see it was just on the surface.   Till this day she still has little empathy for anyone or anything.  She also has little concept of right and wrong.  Obviously.  Or consequences

      Every day is a struggle for whoever you are and I know we could be much worse off, but jeez I could use a break.  

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